TeXmacs in Linux distributions

rpm distributions


TeXmacs lives in Fedors extras. Just do

yum install TeXmacs
Later, the command
yum update
will update all install packages, including TeXmacs.

Red Hat

Users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and its clones (CentOS, CERN Scientific Linux, Oracle Unbreakable Linux, etc.) can find rpms of recent versions of TeXmacs at Dag Vieers repository. Just install the rpmforge-release package for your distribution, it contains all the necessary config files. Then

yum unstall texmacs
As usual,
yum update
will update all installed packages, including TeXmacs.


Recent versions of OpenSUSE contain rather up-to-date TeXmacs. Just use yast to install it.


Recent versions of Mandriva contain rather up-to-date TeXmacs in contrib.

ALT Linux

Up-to-date TeXmacs rpms can be found in the Sisyphus repository.

Debian and its derivatives

As usual, just say

apt-get install texmacs
If you are running the "unstable" distribution, you can get TeXmacs from "experimental" (by including the corresponding line in your /etc/apt/sources.list) which is rather up-to-date. Versions in "stable", "testing", and "unstable" are way too old. Unfortunately, the package is orphaned. Any volunteers?

Ubuntu is based on Debian "unstable", and contains TeXmacs. You can (probably) install an up-to-date TeXmacs from Debian "experimental".


The portage tree usually contains an outdated version of TeXmacs. An up-to-date version can be found in the Gentoo science overlay.

First time installation

Updating TeXmacs


If you go to Italian Slackware Community and search for TeXmacs, you will find an up-to-date package. The site is mostly in Italian.

Live CDs

Knoppix includes TeXmacs; some derivative live CDs (Quantian, Knoppix/Math, LiveTeXmacs) contain a lot of TeXmacs-related software.

Please send corrections and additions to Andrey Grozin.